LInc timeline

Year Date Event
1986 26 July First documented use of the term ‘Lesbian Space’ in Australia in the minutes of the Lesbian Space meeting, thereafter known as the Lesbian Space Collective
1986 10 October Lesbian Space Collective - First fundraiser dance at Newtown Leagues Club58-68 Stanmore Road, Stanmore
1987 6 May Lesbian Space Collective - Dinner Dance & RomanceThe Playground, 504 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills
1987 10 July Lesbian Space Collective - Media release
1990 15 December Open Meeting to set up Festival Co-ordinating Group, 33 Wellington St Chippendale
1991 6 July Festival Opening Concert -Tom Mann Theatre, Strawberry Hills
1991 6-15 July Lesbian Festival - University of Technology, Sydney
1991 14 July Lesbian Festival Opera House Concert - ‘Living our passion’
1992 12 December LSP launch at the Lesbian Studies weekend – the project evolved from moneyleftover from the 1991 Lesbian Conference & Festival
1993 10 December Lesbian Space Project Extravaganza - ‘Coming from a strong space’, Sydney Town Hall
1994 February $50,000.00 pledge withdrawn after donor’s name revealed in gay press
1994 July National Lesbian Conference, BrisbaneTransgender lesbians asked to leave the Brisbane conference
1994 3 September Absolutely Glamorous Lesbian Spring Ball, St George’s Hall, King Street Newtown
1994 8 October Community Consultation at Distaff, 119-121 Church Street, CamperdownGold Brick Foundation Membership Launch
1994 8 November Community Consultation 2 - Les Moore Community Centre, Lilyfield
1994 10 December Special General Meeting of Lesbian Space IncConstitution amended to limit membership to an applicant who ‘is a female born woman’.1stAGM Lesbian Space Inc - Heffron Hall, Darlinghurst.
1995 10 December 2ndAGM Lesbian Space Inc, Pride Centre, Hutchinson St, Darlinghurst
1996 8 February Settlement, 43-45 Bedford Street, Newtown
1996 18 May Bedford Street opened
1996 7 December Special General Meeting and 3rdAGM Lesbian Space Inc, 43-45 Bedford Street
1997 11 June General meeting at which Management committee resigns
1997 13 December 4thAGM, 43-45 Bedford Street, Newtown
1998 17 October Special General Meeting, 43-45 Bedford Street, Newtown.Constitution amended to open membership to an applicant who ‘identifies as a lesbian and as a woman’
1998 6 December 5thAGM, 8-10 Brown Street, Newtown
1999 30 May General Meeting to consider a number of proposals for how to use the organisation’s funds
1999 12 September General Meeting to discuss name change and proposals for use of funds
1999 12 December 6thAGM Motion carried to change the organisation’s name to Lesbians Incorporated (LInc)Constitution v4 accepted. Community grants program proposal accepted
2000 28 February Contracts exchanged on Reservoir Street, Surry Hills (purchase price $235,000.00)
2000 8 October 7thAGM & Inaugural funded Community Grants announced.
2001 7 October 2ndround of funded Community Grants announced, Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
2001 16 December 8thAGM 8-10 Brown Street, Newtown
2002 8 December 9thAGM $5,000 donated to Sydney Gay Games to support the participation of Indigenous lesbians
2003 14 December 10thAGM 8-10 Brown Street, Newtown
2004 9 October 11thAGM 8-10 Brown Street, Newtown & 3rd round of funded Community Grants announced
2005 8 October 12thAGM 8-10 Brown Street, Newtown & 4th round of funded Community Grants announced
2006 8 October 13thAGM 8-10 Brown Street, Newtown & 5th round of funded Community Grants announced
2007 7 October 14thAGM, Women’s Library, Brown Street Newtown & 6th round of funded Community Grants announced. New Community Grants scheme accepted